Wednesday, May 6, 2009

word salad, anyone?

why the title?

So review is almost over. Gee. I could never really picture what for real would happen to me afterwards. I mean, yes, I have plans and all but it's all hazy pictures at the moment.. e.g. Me working not in the medical field YET but on a call center..maybe.

Finally, leaving SJC for GOOD. Quite huge step if I visualize it. No not huge, humongous. I'm scared as shit. Seriously.. SERIOUSLY!! I'm leaving my comfort zone. Steppin outside the box. My knees are wobbly. And what sucks the most is I have so little control over it. Maybe that's why I kind of set my mind that I'm not to work on hospital like imediately, like now NOW. Hell No! What am I nuts? (I could literally hear Prof Silva uttering those last four words..lmao!) I have yet to gain THAT much confidence.. Yes, I know I have my capabilities and it's not like I'm dumb or something or stupid even, No I most certainly am not. I just.. I'm scared.

Getting past the scary thoughts and all, now the word is lugubrious. Being an artist, that is me. haha.. But yes, how on earth will I not miss the grounds of that wee-bit of a campus we have? It was there. All there. Laid-out in the open all the memories--bitter, sweet, fun.. feel free to use/include other trite you could think of pertaining to memories.. And the people I have grown to hate and love.

The graduation day did not really put this toll of mood on me since I was darn confident I'd still see 'em feet will still drag me to the campus because of the review. But now the curtain's finally about to close.

I must bid the warmest good-bye. And yes, there is good in good-byes.

Good night....... *yawns*

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